Paging Products

Never miss an important call again. With value-priced numeric paging from Citipage, callers simply enter the phone number where they can be reached and it’s delivered to your pager within seconds. It’s the most affordable way to keep in touch.
Traditional Paging at its Best with the Best Coverage in Alberta. Why take a number when you can get the whole message? Citipage text paging lets you receive a full and detailed text message. Your caller’s full message displays across your pager screen. Whatever it is you need to know, you’ll know it instantly.

Get the message in the caller’s own voice, right in the palm of your hand. It’s the pager that brings voice messages to you. So you get all of the emotional impact that no ordinary pager can provide.
MEDIpageTM Coaster best use is in hospitals waiting rooms and restaurants.
Waiting Area Pagers from Citipage relieve crowded waiting rooms and improve patient comfort.